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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Week 2: Jan 13th

So, finally I have been able to tele-port from my starting location and further explore second life. The first place I tele-ported to was Germany. I have no idea why I selected that location but I did. I forgot to write down the coordinates, but the virtual space I was tele-ported to felt like I was there alone. I did not see anyone, not even random animals or something. I looked around and took a couple pictures, and left.

SL is still new to me so I have not gotten the hang of it. I just figured out how to take pictures, and i realized that I enjoy taking pictures of random things. I also took a picture of my avatar, Dior Aboma. I have no reason for selecting the name Aboma, except that it sounds like Obama. My avatar came with tattoos on her body and I desperately wanted to remove them, but didnt know how. She also had freckles, which I liked so I kept those, but I wouldnt know how to delete them anyways, so that doesn't matter. I showed my friend my avatar because I was really excited for her to see my "creation." The first thing she noticed was her body, and she laughed and expressed that the body image I was portraying was unrealistic. I replied and told her that it was a virtual so it doesn't matter. I realized that though I was trying to create my avatar in my likeness, I also wanted her to be perfect which i'm not, thats why she is sahped like a "coke bottle." Silly I know but this is what I wanted. I think she looks great!

My experiences so far have been normal. Nothing odd has happened yet, which is unfortunate because it has made it a little boring for me.

(I decided to take this random snapshot on the starting island. I did not understand what was going on, it looked really weird and interesting).

Activism and SL

The first example of activism that we found in Second Life is an area dedicated to War Child Holland (221,25,27). There are many different tools used to make their statement. The most obvious were the pictures that can be seen immediately after entering the space. Images of children in war zones are posted on the wall with captions describing where they are from. War torn places such as Kosovo and Sierra Leone are depicted. There are three panels of information shown that included the topics about War Child Holland, Mission Statement and history of War Child Canada. This space successfully conveys its message in it's FAQ section. There are clear instructions on how to support War Child, donate funds, what projects they are initiating in right now as well as other questions people may want to know. A link to the War Child Holland website is provided which is linked to other War Child chapters so people from different countries can participate in their own country's organization.

The second example of activism that we found in secondlife is exemplified by The Bridges Womens support group. (99,218,23) in the Non-profit Commons. In this space, Bridge's uses educational tools like notecards, pictures, and URL links to make their mission statement clear. Although a relatively small space, Bridges utilizes it effectively. Notecards are available in 2 spaces, and bulletin boards which elucidate their goals. Their purpose is, "...Our programs aim to reduce the effects that abuse, trauma and violence can have on employability. Bridges’ students work on self awareness, self esteem, communication and anger management skills; and then they progress to career assessments, resume and interview skills, and successful workplace habits." Bridges provides many outlets for user's to become interactive with their organization. Like many of these support groups, they provide donation boxes in many different places throughout the space. www.bridgesforwomen.ca provides users with another outlet for information and support. Bridges also organizes weekly support meetings on fridays at 11:30EST for Second Life users to come together and speak about their issues in a group.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

VirtuaL WorldS

I have taken a course similar to this one in which I was introduced to the notion of virtual worlds. Prior to that class I was not too familiar with it, but I realized that it was interesting. Tracy Kennedy was also the professor, so my initial reaction this course was that it was going to be very similar if not the same. But after my first seminar, it seems a little different.

Though I have been introduced to the notion of virtual worlds, it still interests and surprises. I feel that because I have never been part of a virtual world, it is hard to understand that space. Hopefully my experience within this course and second life will create a different experience for me. An experience from the perspective of being in that space.